The project objectives of DREAMS are:  

A. To complete the DREAMS project efficiently, effectively and accordingly to good governance principles.  

B. To actively involve key stakeholders in the development of the tools as well as in a Roadmap for a societal  transformation to a digital EA process. 

C. To develop the baseline and CAUSA tools with the capacity to reduce societal costs of EA processes and  provide decision‐makers with measures to reduce GHG emissions 

D. To demonstrate high usability and perceived value by users in society in terms of bringing benefit to EA  practice and environmental decision making. 

E. To foster spin-off developments and commercialization strategies among non‐university partners and in  society. 

F. To  strengthen  research  competence  of  the  university  partners  to  stay  at  a  global  forefront  within  digitalization of environmental assessment for achieving SDGs. 

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