Work package WP6 – Communication, dissemination and exploitation


The purpose of this work package is to maximize the public, scientific, industrial and political awareness of the project, and the impact of the project in regard to the target groups. 

The objectives of WP6 “Communication, Dissemination and Exploitation” are:

  • Organize and conduct dissemination activities to maximize impact and adaptation of the academic results generated by the project.
  • Interact with standardization bodies, such as 3GPP, ETSI, IEEE, ITU, and 6G pre-standardization bodies such as 5GACIA, 5GAA, NextGA, NGMN, O-RAN, Small cells forum.
  • Organization of dissemination workshops, that are planned to be held in conjunction with major international conferences like those organized by IEEE (e.g. IEEE ICC) and the EC (e.g. European Research and Innovation Days).
  • Communicate, appropriately, the projects IPR generation and general innovation management (in conjunction with WP1).


The work of WP6 is divided into two main tasks ensuring continuous dissemination activities and the contribution of the project findings to relevant standardization bodies in the context of 6G.

This task will focus on the dissemination of the projects progress and findings to the public, scientific, industrial

and political sectors. The individual tasks for this are defined within the projects communication/dissemination and

exploitation plan. The draft version of this plan is provided in Section 2.2. It will be reviewed, updated and provided as

an individual document during the projects startup phase and be finalized 6 months after the start of the project (M6).

This communication plan defines the individual communication, dissemination and exploitation tasks which shall be

addressed and the responsibilities for these tasks.

The tasks according to the communication plan defined in Section 2.2 and the associated responsibilities are provided

in the following descriptions.

Subtask 6.1a: Communication 

Managing and carrying out of the external communication of the overall project.

AAU acts as the single point of entry for all external communication concerning the project as it is responsible for a

coherent public presentation of the overall projects’ activities. This includes:

• Hosting, creating and updating the projects webpage.

• Hosting and updating the selected social media channels and mailing lists.

• Preparation of articles highlighting the projects progress.

• Preparation of public overall project presentations.

• Coordination of industry alliance and policy maker presentations.

• Coordination with Stakeholders and other SNS projects.

• Coordination of participation to the ITU/ML contest.

Updating and finalizing the draft communication plan. FHG acts as the dissemination and exploitation manager of the

project. Therefore, it coordinates and manages the dissemination activities. This includes:

• Coordination and writing of the finalized communication plan.

• Coordination of content creation for the webpage and social media channels.

• Preparation of print materials. Here it is planned to release at least two leaflets.

• Coordination of project progress and PoC videos.

• Coordination of project related webinars.

Concerning the communication to the public, all WPs and task leading partners are responsible for the creation of content.

The goal is to have two social media and webpage updates per month.

Subtask 6.1b: Dissemination

This task refers to managing the dissemination and exploitation activities of the overall project.

FHG acts as the dissemination and exploitation manager of the project. Therefore, it coordinates and manages the

dissemination activities. This includes:

• Selection of the conferences and journals, and coordination of the papers to be submitted.

• Coordination of journal special issues centred on the project’s findings.

• Coordination of project whitepapers.

• Coordination of workshops, project booths events and demonstration activities.

• Managing the statistics of the IPRs generated within the project.

Carrying out the work within the individual tasks is distributed among the partners:

• The coordination of the writing of conference papers and journal articles for the joint papers is subject to the main

author of the publication. All related partners are expected to contribute to the publications.

• The preparation of conference presentations is subject to the partner of the according publication.

• The preparation of workshops and demonstration activities content is subject to the involved partners. Each partner

shall be involved in at least 1 workshop pear year, 3 webinars per year and the overall project demonstration event at

the end of the project.

• Preparation of project videos concerning the development status and PoC presentations. Here each partner shall take

part in the preparation of at least one video.

• Bosch, COGN, IMEC, FHG and Keysight shall be involved in at least one individual public PoC demonstration event.

• AAU, UMH and CNIT commit to openly release datasets and traces generated by emulators/simulators for WP3 and

WP4 activities

• Scientific papers by all partners will be published as open access publications.

Subtaks 6.2a: Standardisation 


In this task, the key technical innovations and findings from the project will be identified and contributed to 6G

standardization bodies and Industry forums. The target is to maximize the projects influence on the upcoming 6G


standardization bodies and industry forums of relevance are 3GPP, 5G-ACIA, 5GAA, ETSI, IEEE, ITU, NextGA,

NGMN, ORAN. The project findings and innovations are considered relevant for technical component selection, scope

of study items / work items and release plans, for these standardisation bodies and alliances. The task will continuously

monitor these standardization bodies and industry forums to ensure that the contributions from the project are available

at the right time and content is prepared for topics that are relevant for 6G-SHINE.

This task implies on the one hand a regular update of the consortium about the ongoing activities in the standardisation

bodies as well as the preparation of the project’s findings in form of presentations or whitepapers to these bodies. These

whitepapers on the first hand are planned to be high level to effectively advertise the projects achievements to multiple

of these bodies and alliances. When the achievement becomes relevant for specific work item or study items, they will

be enhanced for an optimum fit for that standardisation effort. The project aims at providing at least three whitepapers

highlighting all the projects achievements in a way that provides an easy entry to the standardisation process.

The contributions of the partners are dedicated to monitor the activities in different standardisation bodies, to prepare

and contribute for release planning, scoping of study and work items when the topic is related to 6G-SHINE as well as

contributing to the preparation of technical contributions.

The detailed relation of partner and standardisation body/industry forum is given in Table 2.2d in Section 2.2.2.

Subtask 6.2b: Exploitation

The individual exploitation plans for each partner are provided in Section 2.2.2. These activities regarding the

exploitation are tracked and coordinated by FHG. During the first 6 months of the project, it is planned to evolve

from these individual exploitation tasks a joint exploitation roadmap which will be part of the final communication and

dissemination plan. This exploitation roadmap will highlight how the individual partners form an ecosystem for the

developed technology components providing the joint technology and application edge to move the technology design

to the stage of validation within target environments for future applications.

One special topic of exploitation is the provision of IPRs which are submitted during the course of the project. The way

to handle background and foreground IP is defined in Section It is planned to submit at least 20 IPRs during the

course of the project, creating a sound basis for licensing-based exploitation models.

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