Work package WP2 – Scenarios, use cases and Requirements
The objectives of WP2 are;
- Define reference scenarios and use cases of consideration for In-X subnetworks considering industrial, vehicular and commercial use cases.
- For the considered use cases, identify modelling assumptions of the traffic to be handled over the in-X subnetworks.
- Identify relevant KPIs for in-X subnetworks with the reference scenarios and use cases.
- Derive a mapping of KPIs into subcomponents of the In-X subnetworks (e.g. air interface, device, AP, 6G network).
- Identify in-X subnetwork architectures for the scenarios of interest.
- Characterize the radio propagation in the scenarios and bands of interest. Subsequently, establish suitable modelling
- assumptions.
- Identify interfaces between the in-X subnetworks and 6G wide-area network.
This task aims at identifying the relevant scenarios, analyzing existing setups to identify the relevant application level
requirements, and projecting this to be served by in-X subnetworks. This task is important as it defines the context
and metrics used to compare technology components. Further, the findings of this task will be used to shape common
simulation assumptions in WP3 and WP4.
Subtask 2.1a: Identification of scenarios, and derivation of relevant KPIs
We will identify specific scenarios and requirements with respect to the defined set of KPIs in the scenarios of interest. In
particular, Bosch, UMH, and Sony will identify relevant application/use cases and related requirements from automotive
and industrial application perspective. Apple will instead investigate application and requirements related to consumer
Subtask 2.1b: Characterization of existing wired installations envisioned to be replaced by in-X subnetworks.
We aim at characterizing the data traffic in use cases and scenarios relevant for in-X subnetworks, with peculiar focus
on the industrial and automotive use cases. The industrial data traffic for in-robot and in-production module will be
measured at the AAU smart production lab, an industrial lab with real robots and manufacturing equipment, as well as at
Bosch facilities. UMH will generate realistic datasets of data traffic for in-vehicle networks leveraging and extending a
highly realistic open-source software platforms for automated driving research. This platform implements rich automated
driving sensor suites that realistically capture data from the 3D environment, such as cameras, radars or lidars. Traffic
patterns in terms of packet rate and size, traffic bursts, time correlation, etc., will be then characterized by leveraging
the obtained data. Such data traffic characterization will be used for design and evaluation of technology components
in WP3 and WP4.
Related TCs: TC1.
Subtask 2.1c: Definition of in-X subnetwork architecture.
Starting from the defined requirements, Bosch, UMH, COGN and Apple will define architecture for in-X subnetworks
in the relevant scenarios of interest. This will encompass position and role of AP and devices for the specific application,
leveraging specific consumer, industrial or automotive domains (e.g., zonal-based architectures in vehicles to be replaced
by wireless links). Also, we focus on seamless integration of subnetworks into existing in-X architectures and their
planned evolution. This task will also explore the system and component-wise performance requirements for the
envisioned subnetwork architectures.
Related TCs: TC15, TC16
The design of the 6G-SHINE radio system requires a deep understanding of the radio propagation characteristics in the
scenarios where the subnetworks are anticipated to operate. The radio propagation characteristics could be affected by
a high clutter density, non-line of sight (e.g., engine or robotic parts in robots affecting the LOS/NLOS conditions) and
from being enclosed by a metal closure.
The radio propagation characterization will give valuable input in particular to WP3, in the design of PHY and MAC
enablers to achieve the desired service requirements and WP4 for accounting for the actual radio conditions in the
schemes for resources and interference management.
Subtask 2.2a: Measurements of the radio propagation in the considered scenarios
Upon characterization of the subnetwork architectures, relevant scenarios of interest for radio propagation
characterization will be identified considering industrial, in-vehicle, consumer use cases. The detailed parameters,
such as combination frequencies, environments, and deployment of devices/APs, will be listed and the measurement
campaigns will be planned considering the parameters, available equipment and measurement sites. Measurements for
short range characterization will be running in the AAU smart production lab, considering sub-10 GHz, mmWave and
sub-THz bands. Measurements for RIS will instead be performed in CNIT facilities. VNAs or signal analyzer solutions
provided by Keysight and CNIT will be used for these campaigns.
Related TCs: TC2.
Subtask 2.2b: Modelling the radio propagation in a subnetwork in the considered scenarios
Modelling the radio propagation in a subnetwork in the considered scenarios [CNIT, Keysight, AAU]
The radio propagation channel will be modeled for the different scenarios and bands of interest. AAU and Keysight will
be characterizing small and large scale fading, along with directional characteristics and antenna correlation properties.
CNIT will derive ray based, deterministic propagation models for short-range, confined and/or cluttered environments
with electrically-large objects, including reflection from curved surfaces and creeping-wave diffraction. Also, CNIT and
Keysight will develop alternative semi-deterministic and heuristic models for confined and/or cluttered environments
with electrically-small or complex objects: the models will be parametrized with the aid of measurements and fullwave
electromagnetic simulations. Macroscopic, realistic ray-based models for scattering from RIS will be derived.
Verification and calibration actions of such models are taken using measurements available in the literature or in subtask
Related TCs: TC2.
In order for 6G in-X subnetworks to be successfully integrated in vehicles, factories and consumer use cases, it is
critical that they can seamlessly interwork with existing devices and connectivity solutions (e.g., automotive or industrial
Ethernet solutions), but also with other 6G networks, which could be both public and private 6G networks. The integration
of 6G-SHINE subnetworks into suitable 6G parent networks is important as this can provide a service termination
point out of reach of the 6G-SHINE subnetwork, but also provide options for authorization, interference management
accounting for conditions beyond the coverage of a single subnetwork and for computational resource offloading.
Bosch, UMH, Apple, IDE and COGN will contribute to the design and evaluation of suitable concepts, architectures
and interfaces for flexibly integrating in-X subnetworks into a suitable 6G parent network, following the ‘network-ofnetworks’
paradigm and with focus on industrial, automotive (i.e., in-vehicle subnetworks) and consumer applications.
In this respect, also suitable functions for the interplay between 6G subnetworks and the respective 6G parent network
shall be defined, e.g., for RRM, security, network management, interference management, or in order to opportunistically
support the offloading of certain functionalities (e.g., in a vehicle) to an (edge) cloud. Apple and UMH will particularly
investigate what subnetwork architecture(s) and functional splits between subnetwork(s) and 6G can be envisioned for
different use cases and what are the different roles within in-X subnetworks and towards 6G. This also includes possible
dynamic changes of roles and responsibilities based on changes of the network topology. In addition, Bosch will work
on suitable mechanisms for temporary operation of in-X subnetworks without any connection to a 6G parent network
(e.g., due to a coverage hole of a public 6G network), as well as on possibly nested in-X subnetworks. In such a scenario,
an in-X subnetwork may be the parent network for another in-X subnetwork.
Related TCs: TC15, TC16.